This is our single-most important focus at Chestnut Hill Farms. Why? Because our families eat our produce day in and day out. And their safety and satisfaction is the honest and simple reason why we can guarantee everyone else's. And it's why we will always go above and beyond to ensure the quality and safety of our fruits and vegetables.
Food Safety StandardOur practices follow the standards and benchmarks set forth by GLOBAL GAP, the world’s most widely accepted certification process.
GLOBALG.A.P.The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard covers safe and responsible farming practices for all aspects of agriculture, aquaculture, livestock, and horticulture production. The GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment of Social Practice (GRASP) is an on-farm assessment carried out at the same time as the IFA audit and aims to protect farm workers from harm and exploitation. The assessment of social practices on the farm includes aspects of workers’ health, safety, and welfare and builds on the foundations of the IFA standard. We require our suppliers of fruit products to have a valid IFA certificate and to complete a GRASP assessment with full compliance. We have met these standards continually since 2004.
The SEDEX Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) also warrants mention. SEDEX is an alliance of global brands, trade unions, and retailers that work together to improve the lives of workers in the global supply chains. The ETI base code is an internationally recognized model code for labor practices. This certification has been in place since 2008.
In addition to these two very important certifications and as further proof of our commitment, we ascribe to extemely stringent customer-driven safety certification programs that go beyond what GLOBAL GAP & SEDEX require. These include the following:
MARKS AND SPENCER'S "FIELD TO FORK"The M&S certification focuses on reducing the level of pestcides used by its suppliers, employs practices to avoid food contamination, encourages production which benefits the environment and generally enhances the brand through rigorous food safety initiatives which embody the HACCP principles. Much emphasis is placed on strict use of only approved agricultural products through detailed audit procedures and residue analysis. It also covers labor standards and sourcing from the most sustainable sources available. This has been in place since 2009.
COSTCO ETHICAL AUDITThis audit insures strict compliance with code of conduct and all applicable labor laws in the country where products are produced. This has been in place since 2009.
CARREFOUR - SUPPLIER AUDITThis certification also has focus on Good Agricultural Practices, use and management of pesticides, sustainability, human relations, ethics and seeking continuous improvement. This has been in place since 2009.
TRACEABILITYIn addition, we have incorporated a meticulous traceability coding program since our inception. The purpose of the traceability code is to pinpoint with complete accuracy the precise origin and track the journey of all fruit from the time it is harvested until it reaches its final destination and is removed from the carton in which it was shipped. If the precise origin of the fruit is known, it is possible to go back to the records and obtain a detailed account as well as the timing of every individual activity that has taken place in a given area. In addition, a digital file is also maintained that offers a complete list of all activities that were carried out from planting to harvest.
At Chestnut Hill Farms we are continually striving to achieve better, safer and more earth- and employee-friendly practices. We would be glad to discuss any of our processes in greater detail and tell you what we’re trying to do to leave the world a little better than we found it.
Feel free to give us a call at 305-592-6969.