Week 1 At The Source

Another dramatic turn in our weather experienced during the first week of 2012 – a cold front rolled in and brought total weekly cumulative rainfall of 121.8 mm (almost 5 in.). Proof positive that pineapple production is not a profession for the faint of heart. The significant and negative turn in our weather pattern means that there is a high probability that a new and so far the most severe NDF event of the season occurred. During week #1 of 2012. Heavy rainfall, cloudy days and a significant drop in soil and air temperatures – the perfect formula for the onset of NDF, impacted the Caribbean and Northern pineapple regions of Costa Rica. The severity of this event will only be evaluated some 4 to 6 weeks later. Probably next week we will be able to report on the severity of prior events that occurred at the tail end of 2011.

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