Click here to read this week’s farm report.
- The second week in a row with limited precipitation (but overcast days)
- 22.5 mm (barely one inch) of precipitation recorded
- Minimum air temperature was 23,4°C (74°F); the average 26,2°C (79,1°F).
- Continue to make adjustments to lower harvest age
- 63.5% harvest at 21 WAF
- The balance picked with 22 WAF
- Regardless of lower harvest age, sugar content continues high
- 45% with brix higher than 15.5º
- Pulp firmness is lower than our goal with 28% ≤ 2.7 psi
- All good husbandry practices on schedule
- New Covid cases continue a gradual decline as vaccination program intensifies
- 70% of our employees at both farms have received at least one dose
- Severe weather on the west coast of Costa Rica preventing vessels from entering the Port of Caldera disrupting schedules to Pacific Coast ports in North America