Click here to read this week’s farm report.
- The dry spring period in full swing:
- 4.6 mm (0.19 inches) of precipitation recorded
- Minimum T rose to 21.3ºC (70.4ºF)
- Harvest age increase continues – 77% harvested at 21 WAF
- Climate conditions do make a difference in quality!
- >90% of our fruit with brix higher than 13.5
- 90% of our fruit with external color range 0.5 to 1.5
- Operations at the farms continue under robust protocol to safeguard health of our employees and their families.
- The markets are reacting differently as each region responds to their specific situation in the virus outbreak. Every segment of our industry faces an unprecedented challenge.
- The CHF Family is committed to working through this with our customers/partners and come out with even stronger ties.
Be well, be safe.