Plantain Shampoo?!
Many prople have probably never eaten plantains. If you see what looks like a very.large banana, that is most likely a plantain. They are from the same family but the plantain may be considered a vegetable rather than a fruit as it is not nearly as sweet as a banana. There are many ways of eating plantains and in the future recipes will be provided for you to try.
Today I ran across a very different way to use plantians besides eating them. Plantains can be used as a home remedy for those that suffer from curly, frizzy hair. Try this!!! Squash the plantain pulp with a fork until it has a cream-like consistancy. Apply it to your hair using a soft massage. After a half an hour of rest, wash your hair with shampoo that you normally use. Do this two time per week instead of exposing your beautiful curly hair to hot treatments that make your curly hair dry and frizzy!!