– Rain: Total precipitation registered during the week was 34 mm (1.3 inches), concentrated on the first day of the week while the rest of the week was relatively dry – very typical for this time of the year!
– Temperature: The average air day and night temperatures were similar to those of the previous week. Minimum temperature reached 23°C (73.4°F) while the average was recorded at 27.3°C (81.2°F). The soil temperature was slightly lower – 26.9°C (80.5°F). Relative humidity was also very similar to last week at 84.6%. Although the week was quite hot, the solar radiation intensity ranged from moderate to low due to increased cloudiness.
– Observations: During this time of the year we experience extreme opposites in weather conditions at the Pacific Coast and Central Region when compared to the Atlantic Coast. The Pacific Coast and Central Region experience torrential downpours almost daily, while the Atlantic Coast has very dry days and occasional rainy nights (a pattern which extends through mid October). Since both Coasts produce pineapples, it is expected that they will have different production and quality challenges related to their weather pattern.