Click here to read this week’s farm report.
- Seemingly those tropical storms churning in the Atlantic Ocean sucked all the moisture from the Caribbean Coast:
- Scattered and light drizzles deposited 16.4 mm (0.65 inches) – the least weekly precipitation in over one month
- Slight decline in the minimum air temperature but the average air and soil temperatures remained unchanged
- Improved weather allowed considerable advance in soil preparation
- Farms continue to tweak harvest age – 80.5% harvested at 21 WAF; almost 16% at 22 WAF and just under 4% at much younger age of 20 WAF
- Average sugar content is stable but we have almost 40 % above 15.5ºBrix
- Surprisingly approximately 10% of our volume harvested was NDF fruit.
- The final stress causing events had more incidence than previously accounted for
- This may account for the high percentage of fruit with ≥ 15 º Brix
- Covid 19 incidence in the country increased by 24% this week to 11,697 cases diagnosed
- Almost 85% of our work force has received at least one vaccine shot.