2015: Week 23 at the Source (Week 25 in the market)

Better weather conditions continue into Week 23, improving quality levels and helping harvest natural fruit. With only about two inches of rain throughout the week’s short-lived showers, temperatures also increased across the board: both air and soil temperatures went up, including dual increases in minimum and average air temperatures.

During sampling, medium sizes continue at a pretty high volume while immature fruit is once again at lower totals. No over mature fruit was found. Most importantly among all the data taken for Week 23, flavor and aroma levels continue to steadily rise with the improvements in weather.

Unfortunately, storms seem to be on the horizon with deteriorating weather conditions predicted for next week. Expecting such changes, about 55% of the inventoried natural fruit was harvested. What does that mean for volume numbers moving forward?  Click here to receive each week’s full industry report.

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