Enjoy Pineapples in Fall for a Tropical Twist This Season
While most areas of the world are familiar with the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall, the Costa Rican climate typically falls into two categories: rainy and dry seasons. This makes Costa Rica the perfect place to grow pineapples in fall.
Keep reading to learn more about the fall season in Costa Rica, and how this affects our pineapple farming.
Dry Season in Costa Rica

Looking toward the fall and winter months in Costa Rica, we are leaving the rainy season behind and entering the drier months. However, don’t let the term “winter” fool you, as our average temperatures are a tropical 82°F (28°C) all year long! There is some fluctuation in this temperature from area to area, as lower-lying areas such as the Pacific and Caribbean regions will be slightly warmer, and northern zones with higher elevations will experience cooler temperatures.
There are also factors that can bring on the dry season earlier in some years than others, including El Niño activity. Overall, September and October are typically the rainiest months in the country, while November is the transitionary period between the rainy and dry seasons.
Farming Pineapples in Fall

With our farms being located just over the hill from the Tortuguero National Park, or the “Costa Rican Amazon”, we are nestled perfectly near the port city of Limon. This is where most of our pineapples are exported to the United States and Europe. Year-round pineapple production is key to the Costa Rican economy, as a 2017 study conducted by the Central American Institute of Business Administration (INCAE) found that the pineapple business sector of the country employed approximately 32,000 individuals directly. Not only this, but pineapples constitute 10% of the country’s total exports, making it the main agricultural export.
The Perfect Place for Pineapples
As both producers and consumers, we are thankful that the Costa Rican climate provides the perfect weather for growing perfect pineapples year-round. If you’re looking for some inspiration on how to enjoy your pineapple this season, check out some of our favorite fall recipes here!
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