How Chestnut Hill Farms Partner The Fructus Foundation is Creating Change in Costa Rica

fructus foundation giving back

From Scholarships to Business Opportunities, The Fructus Foundation is Supporting Our Costa Rican Community

As a company, one of our core values is giving back. We’re always looking for new ways to support our community through both sustainability efforts and social programs. That’s why we’re proud to be long-time partners of The Fructus Foundation, or Fundación Fruktus, a local charity established in Costa Rica. This group works to implement a wide variety of programs in the country, from developing infrastructure to providing scholarships to supporting local low-income families. Through their initiatives, they seek to build and support sustainable communities while creating opportunities for the future. Read on to discover just some of the fantastic projects The Fructus Foundation completed in 2019, as well as some of the goals it has planned for 2020.

Donating Gifts to Low-Income Families for Christmas

In December, the Fructus Foundation launched the Adopt an Angel program, working with local donors to provide Christmas gifts for children of low-income families. The foundation also sponsored a Christmas party for children of Nazareth School, and, with the help of generous donors, was able to deliver about 100 presents to children at the school and in the communities of La Lidia, Linea Vieja, La Morenita, and Cartagena.

Providing Scholarships for High School and University Students

fructus foundation scholarships
The scholarship program’s mentors

Throughout 2019, the Fructus Foundation provided 117 high school students and 39 university students with scholarships to continue their educations. These students also received support from a group of dedicated mentors, who were available to provide counseling and advice during the school year. These students have continued to impress with outstanding test scores and results, with many graduating and obtaining degrees this year. In 2020, the Fructus Foundation plans to continue building relationships with local mentors and donors in the community so they can benefit more students.

Identifying Opportunities for Entrepreneurship and Growth

Supporting women’s business initiatives is a key objective of both Chestnut Hill Farms and The Fructus Foundation. In 2019, the organization hosted an Entrepreneurship Program, working with 21 young female entrepreneurs throughout the year. Held in partnership with the Waitrose Foundation, this program empowered these aspiring businesswomen and provided them with weekly educational seminars, support, and advice to advance their ideas. At the program’s conclusion, the women had the chance to present their concepts to a panel. The top three projects were selected to receive seed capital and additional support as they develop their business plans.

fructus foundation entrepreneurship program

Also focusing on identifying opportunities and personal growth was the foundation’s “My Life Project” workshop, which hosted 28 schoolchildren from Unidad Pedagógica Casa Hogar Tía Tere in Roxana, Limon. The workshop offered tools for self-development, including the value of establishing long-term goals and having a positive attitude in challenging situations.

Offering English Language Workshops

This year, the Fructus Foundation has established English language workshops for children and young adults in the Carambola community. Brayan Steven Jimenez Alvarez, a student of English Teaching and Translation at the Latin American University of Science and Technology, acted as the teacher. Though COVID-19 has forced the temporary closure of the program, it has already registered 40 students. Once it is safe to reopen the workshops, we are eager to see the program’s continued growth and believe it will generate many great opportunities for the participants.

Looking to the Future

The positive impact that the Fructus Foundation has on our communities is undeniable, and we’re thrilled to continue working with them in the coming years. We believe our people are our most valuable resource and are worth investing in, and this partnership allows us to do just that.

To learn more about the Fructus Foundation’s efforts, visit its Facebook page.

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