Featured Posts
- St. Patrick’s Day Pineapple Punch
- Sheet Pan Perfect Pineapple Ham
- Can A Pineapple Really Live Under the Sea?
- Say Aloha to Our Hawaiian-style Ham and Pineapple Pasta Recipe
- Holiday Joy, Hanukkah, and Pineapple Kugel
- What are China’s Pineapple Science Awards?
- Fuel Up with Paleo Pineapple Fried Rice
- Best Gluten-Free Pineapple Upside Down Cake
- Piña Colada Pie in a Jar
- Slow Cooking Your Pineapple This Fall
Latest News
The Traveling Pineapple: Asia
Curious to see how Chestnut Hill Farms Perfect pineapples travel the world? Check out our recent trip to Japan and South Korea, where our fruit is now available in stores. Our pineapples are carefully shipped and tracked throughout the world through our wonderful employees. In addition, we use a meticulous traceability coding program to pinpoint the origin and track the journey of all of our pineapples from the time of harvest to the final destination. Our analysts additionally manage a digital file, which is maintained containing a complete list of all activities carried out from planting to harvest. For more information on our shipping and safety practices, click here.
Posted in Featured, Latest News
Tagged asia, business, costa rica, farming, fruit, healthy, japan, pineapple, produce, south korea, sustainable
The Traveling Pineapple: Canada
Adventures of the Traveling Pineapple
Our pineapples travel all around the world from the farms of Costa Rica. Most recently we were in Canada hand-delivering fresh fruit with quality inspections and care. We believe in customer relationships, and with that ensuring that the perfect pineapple is just right for our stores and distributors. Check out some photos below of some of our recent travels to Canada, and stay tuned for more photos and updates as our pineapples travel around the world.
Posted in Featured, Latest News, Tips & Tall Tales
Tagged adventure, canada, costa rica, farming, food distribution, fruit, pineapple, pineapple farming, travel
Pineapple Report – Week 37 at the Farm
This week has brought just 11.4 mm (0.5 inches) of precipitation, with sunny, clear, warm days with low humidity. Excellent conditions = excellent quality pineapples, just in time for carving your own Chestnut Hill Farms pina lantern! Watch the video to find out how you can make your own this year. Click here to receive this week’s full industry report.
Posted in Latest News, This Week at the Farm
10 Health Facts That Will Make You Fall for Pineapple
Did you know that fall is one of the best times of year to reap the production of sweet ripe pineapple from our farms in Costa Rica? Not only can you incorporate pineapples into your fall decor (click here to watch a video on how to carve your own Pineapple Jack-o-lantern!), but pineapples are a healthy snack that have plenty of health benefits to boot.
1. Good for your Health Carbs
- One cup (165 grams) of pineapple contains 21.7 grams of carbohydrates and 2.3 grams of fiber, meaning that 19.4 grams of digestible carbs are in each cup.
- Pineapple does not have a huge impact on blood sugar levels (at least not in healthy people).
2. Excellent Fiber
- One cup of pineapple contains 2 grams of fiber, almost all insoluble (99%).
- Insoluble fibers reduce the risk of type two diabetes and digestion.
3. Vitamins & Minerals
One cup of pineapple provides 132% of the recommended daily intake for Vitamin C and 76% of manganese. Pineapples also contain copper, a trace mineral critical for many important functions in the body, such as producing red blood cells, and Folate (B9), which is important for regular function of cells and tissue growth. Folate is very important for women who are pregnant.
4. Lowered Cancer Risk
- A main cause of death around the world, cancer is mainly characterized by uncontrollable cell growth that harms surrounding tissues.
- Diets high in yellow vegetables and fruit (like pineapples!) reduce the risk of colon cancer.
- Various test-tube studies have shown that bromelain, present in pineapples, may prevent the growth of cancer cells and lead them to cell death.
5. Improves Immunity
Bromelain has been proven in studies to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation, and may stimulate immune responses, thus reducing the severity of inflammation, and have beneficial effects in asthma and allergic airway diseases.
Consuming pineapple or taking a bromelain supplement may shorten the timeline of sinus infections, prevent blood clots, reduce inflammation, and stimulate immune responses, especially in kids.
6. Amazing Plant Compounds
- Only found in pineapple, bromelain is a unique protein-digesting enzyme. It also reduces the risk of cancer, heals wounds, and improves tummy health.
- Anthocyanins: Pineapple contains low amounts of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that helps reduce the risk of many diseases, like heart disease.
- (Thanks to bromelain content, you may use pineapple juice to tenderize meat!)
7. Trims the Waistline
Pineapple makes you feel full and provides energy without adding too many calories. With less thank 60 calories per half cup,
One-half cup of fresh pineapple contains fewer than 60 calories, pineapple has a high water content and is rich in fiber, which keeps you satiated. The golden fruit has also been shown to reduce stomach bloating due to bromelain, which leads to better digestive function and a trimmer waist.
8. Reduces Nausea in Pregnant Women
Pineapple can have a nausea-relieving effect, attributed to high amounts of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B6 that helps relieve the symptoms of pregnancy-induced nausea.
9. Boost Fertility
Foods with high antioxidant content, like pineapple, are recommended for those trying to conceive due to several beneficial vitamins and minerals, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, copper, zinc, and folate.
Many of these elements can help boost fertility in both men and women due to assisting in fighting free radicals.
10. Boosts Blood Circulation
Pineapple produces copper, an essential mineral vital in a number of enzymatic reactions and compounds in the body. Copper is a necessary mineral for the formation of healthy red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to various organ systems and help them to function at optimum levels.
Pineapple also increases cognitive abilities and can maintain neural pathways to prevent neural disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Enjoy pineapple the fun way this autumn and learn how to carve your own pina jack-o-lantern on our Youtube page here!
Posted in Featured, Latest News, Tips & Tall Tales
Pineapple Report: Week 36 (38 in 2017)
The dry spell continues, which means it is excellent weather for fantastic quality pineapples following our wet season. With less than .5 inches of precipitation, all practices are on schedule. Life is good!
Posted in Latest News, This Week at the Farm
How to Carve a Halloween Pineapple in 3 Easy Steps!
Pineapples are the new Pumpkin!
Fall is the perfect time for ripe and ready pineapple production, with some of the sweetest, delicious fruits available and hand-delivered from our farm in Costa Rica. Learn how to utilize this healthy fruit this year while having fun and enjoying healthy Halloween treats.
Posted in Featured, Latest News, Tips & Tall Tales
This Week at the Source: Week 35
Chestnut Hill Farms as we transition to a drier period, we have had a very dry week with only 7.3 mm (1/4 inch) of precipitation. Dry and sunny, we are beginning to experience less humid days signaling the much anticipated second semester dry season. The pineapples currently have an outstanding quality, with the average sugar content 14.9 brix and B internal maturity. All good husbandry practices are on schedule, and we are having a very fruitful week participating in Asia Fruit Logistica.
Click here to receive this week’s full industry report.
Posted in Featured, Latest News, This Week at the Farm
5 Reasons Why Pineapples are the New Halloween Pumpkin
Why You Should Fall for Pineapples this Halloween
As summer dwindles down and autumn approaches, now is the time to begin preparing for an abundance of fresh pineapple into our customer’s stores. As we will be discussing in the coming weeks, fall is one of the best times of the year for pineapple production from our farms in Costa Rica. One fun and delicious way to utilize these pinas is to incorporate them into the fun tradition of Halloween carving. We have listed a few reasons below as to why pineapples are the new pumpkin when it comes to fall festivities, and stay tuned for a video coming soon on how to easily carve your own Pineapple Jack-o-Lantern!
1. Availability
Most consumers identify pineapples as a refreshing summer fruit, and though they make the perfect pina colada, autumn is one of the best times of year to reap the benefits of pineapple harvesting. Pineapples are plentiful during the fall, which means stores are able to provide even more shelf space for the delicious fruit, which comes in abundance.
2. Cost efficiency
At under $5 a pop, obtaining a perfect, beautiful pineapple is cost efficient as it is convenient. The famed pumpkin may take the street corner, but pineapples take the cake when it comes to a happy wallet.
3. Snackability
After coring your perfect pineapple with an easy-to-use pineapple slicer, the fruit is immediately ready to enjoy as you carve your tropical creation. Craving Halloween decadence? Try melting dark or milk chocolate on-hand from trick-o-treaters and dipping in the pineapple. Sinfully delicious!
4. Health Benefits
Pineapple fruit contains half of the daily-recommended value of vitamin C and also contains nearly 75 percent of the daily-recommended value of the mineral manganese, which is essential in developing strong bones and connective tissue. Like many other fruits and vegetables, pineapple contains dietary fiber, which is essential in keeping your intestines healthy, but unlike many other fruits and veggies, pineapple contains significant amounts of bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down protein. In addition to having a hearty amount of vitamin C, pineapple’s bromelain may help reduce mucus in the throat and nose, making it a great snack for those with a cold or sinus infections.
5. Simplicity
Creating a pina-lantern is simple, especially with the use of readily-available tools such as the pineapple slicer. Just cut the top off the pineapple, use the tool to core the fruit, and use a carving kit to make your favorite fun or scary pina-face. Stay tuned into our blog and YouTube channel for tips on how to easily make your own in just minutes!

Photo by Amy Covington.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube for tricks and tips weekly!
Posted in Featured, Latest News, Tips & Tall Tales
This Week at the Source: The Weekly Pineapple Report
Chestnut Hill Farms is now in its seasonal transition to a drier period, which brings ideal climatic conditions. Just the right mix of rain and sunshine has allowed volume, sizes, sugar content and internal quality at optimal levels as we enter late summer into fall. Click here to receive this week’s full industry report.
Posted in Latest News, This Week at the Farm
Pineapple Banana Orange Popsicles
Labor Day weekend is the perfect time to enjoy end-of-summer treats made with delicious fresh pineapple. Combined with banana and Vitamin C-packed orange, these easy-to-make snacks can be whipped up in just 10 minutes. Pick up your Chestnut Hill Farms Perfect Pineapple at your local store that carries our farm-fresh produce near you and enjoy!
You will fall in love with this Pineapple Orange Banana Popsicles recipe! These treats are tangy, sweet, and healthy!
- 2 cups fresh chopped pineapple
- 3 bananas, peeled
- 2 oranges, peeled
Pulse all ingredients together in a blender until smooth.
Pour into popsicle molds and freeze until firm.
Tip: These are also great when made with a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger!
(Original Recipe and photo from Gimme Some Oven.)
Posted in Featured, Latest News, Recipes