It’s the Sweetest Time Of the Year!
Due to Covid-19, annual shopping patterns have been impacted by everything from shipping delays to enhanced safety measures.
It can seem overwhelming just to keep your head above water, but there are many ways to adjust your business to ensure you and your customers experience a fruitful season.
Using Technology to Make Shopping Safe and Effective

Over the past eighteen months, consumers have shifted away from local grocery shopping in favor of online shipping services, such as Shipt. Sometimes, this is due to big box prices that are difficult to compete with, but, more often, there are some things we, as retailers, can do to support our stores and increase our customer base.
For starters, offering curbside pickup and home delivery options can help retain some of those sales lost during the pandemic to online retail giants. Many times when consumers have ordered from Amazon it was in favor of safety; this is especially true for those most at risk for Covid-19 and the seasonal flu. When provided with safe alternatives for traditional in-store shopping, those customers are happy to avoid online groceries.
Safety-minded customers will also appreciate a touchless shopping experience. Upgrading point of sale systems to the new touchless machines helps protect not just your customers, but your employees as well! It’s hard to beat making everyone feel safe while improving convenience at the same time.
Keep An Eye on Inventory
It’s the most obvious aspect of retail, but being aware of your inventory levels is more important now than ever. Supply chains are seeing issues on a global scale with many stores unable to stock the goods and products their customers are searching for. Monitoring inventory levels will allow you to plan for shortages or shipping delays. Many stores are experiencing empty shelves due to the current shipping delays happening coast to coast. These delays are making it harder to bring in imported goods. Some warn that due to this, it may be harder to get things in supply for the upcoming holiday season.
Keeping track of your supplier’s weekly reports can be time-consuming, but being aware of any potential hiccups can save time and stress later. Chestnut Hill Farms ensures retailers and customers are up to date with the status of our freshly harvested pineapples in our weekly Perfect Pineapple Report. Bookmark this page and make sure you’ll never be caught in the dark, again!
Chestnut Hill Farms
Whether you’re looking for a fun, unexpected craft to entertain the kiddos or the ultimate symbol of Southern hospitality to grace your home this December, grab your perfect pineapple from Chestnut Hill Farms and let’s enjoy the fruits of the season.
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